If you were directed here from the Human Services benefits portal because you do not have an email address, download the paper application to apply. To download a Spanish application, please click here. To download a paper application, click here. To apply for State Supplementary Assistance, go to the Human Services benefits portal and complete the HHS application. To apply for Child Care Assistance, go to the Human Services Client Portal. If you live in Iowa, call the state office at 1-80.To apply call your local WIC program and make an appointment. For help with completing your online application, please contact your local HHS Office. If you were directed here from the Human Services benefits portal because you do not have an email address, download the HHS Food and Financial Support Application ( Solicitud de Ayuda Financiera) to apply. To apply for SNAP and/or cash assistance programs (FIP or RCA), go to the online benefits portal or download the HHS Food and Financial Support Application ( Solicitud de Ayuda Financiera). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Family Investment Program (FIP) and Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Click here to apply for Rent Reimbursement. You can now apply for Rent Reimbursement for 20 claims using any device that connects to the internet. To apply for full medical benefits, please visit. It will not help you pay for other medical costs, including doctor visits, hospital care, or prescriptions. Only use this application if you do not have health coverage and wish to be tested for COVID-19. The health coverage you will get if you are found eligible using this application will only pay for medical tests for COVID-19. If you are uninsured and wish to apply for COVID-19 Testing medical coverage, complete an Application for COVID-19 Testing Coverage - ( Solicitud de cobertura de la prueba para detectar el COVID-19).

To discuss another person’s case, please download the Authorization to Obtain or Release Health Care Information form and send the completed form to Imaging Center 4, PO Box 2027 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 or fax to 51.įor information on how to apply for Nursing Facility Medicaid visit the Long Term Care page. If you were directed here from the Human Services benefits portal because you do not have an email address, download the Application for Health Coverage and Help Paying Costs ( Solicitud de cobertura mádica y sistencia para abonar el costo) to apply. You can then email the completed form to see the instructions on the form for a complete list of ways to submit. To report a change to an existing case, please download and complete this form.

To apply for Health Care, go to the online Human Services benefits portal or download the paper Application for Health Coverage and Help Paying Costs ( Solicitud de cobertura mádica y sistencia para abonar el costo).