This manual also includes some additional information on the technical and methodical aspects of CAD/CAM.

It is important that you exercise self-organization throughout the learning process. The VDW-Nachwuchsstiftung (foundation for secondary education) aims to strengthen and improve the transfer of knowledge between industry and vocational education.This task-based educational training manual was created by the collaboration of vocational educators and industry trained personnel.The intention of this manual is to introduce the techniques used in the design and manufacturing process. This acceleration of advancements is a challenge for vocational education. In recent years, technological advancements in the machine tool industry has grown exponentially. SolidCAM Inc., a world leader in advanced tool path generation technology (CAM) running directly inside SolidWorks, is pleased to announce the availability of SolidCAM / InventorCAM 2021 Documents and Training Materials (Build ). SolidCAM / InventorCAM 2021 Documents and Training Materials (Updated ) | 12.5 Gb